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from the mpls issues list
Submitted to the Star-Tribune for publication on 28 October 2004
by Doug Mann, 23 October 2004
26 September 2004
August 29, 2002 Who's to blame for poor student performance? Other issues addressed: The new attendance policy, teacher tenure, seniority, & merit pay.
August 31, 2002 Comment on the Stribs anti-endorsements.
September 5, 2002 According to Linda Darling-Hammond, "In an analysis of 900 Texas school districts, Ronald Ferguson found that teachers’ expertise as measured by scores on a licensing examination, master's degrees,
and experience—accounted for about 40% of the measured variance in students’ reading and mathematics achievement at grades 1 through 11, more than any other single factor..." Citing unspecified longer-term studies, Minneapolis School Board director Dennis Schapiro writes that there are unspecified "...long-term studies that indicate about 90 percent of longer-term achievement outcomes can be predicted by family and neighborhood variables."