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Anatomy of a cover-up (Minneapolis NAACP Parent Information Centers)
Subj:     Anatomy of a cover-up (Minneapolis NAACP Parent Information Centers)
Date:     2/25/2005 3:05:13 PM Central Standard Time
From:     Socialist2001 [Doug Mann]

In a previous message, I posed the question, "Why fake an NAACP membership meeting?" - see

As I have shown, what was advertised as an annual membership meeting of the Minneapolis NAACP branch on 11 December 2004, where elected branch officers were sworn in, was not a properly convened branch membership meeting. The principal officers of the branch were not present. At that meeting, a resolution was voted upon that expressed support of the establishment of the Minneapolis Parent Information Center, Inc., and transference "...of the MN Voluntary School Choice grant contract from the Minneapolis Branch of the NAACP to the newly incorporated Minneapolis Parent Information Centers."

The Parent Information Centers Inc. needed the NAACP branch to formally approve of its incorporation and transference of the MN Voluntary School Choice grant contract in order to get a $400,000 grant from the state of MN.  That's what most, or at any rate, a large majority of those who voted for and against the PIC resolution didn't know. The person who introduced the resolution, Beverly Propes, was presented as the branch education committee chair. Eight days later, the same Beverly Propes signed a contract with the state of MN for a $400,000 grant contract in the capacity of "chair" of the PIC board of directors.  

With no more than a few exceptions, the officers and executive committee members at-large elected by the membership in 2004 had opposed the PIC project before it got off the ground in 2003. On June 28, 2003 a two-thirds majority of active members of the Minneapolis NAACP branch passed a motion to instruct the branch president to take no steps toward opening any "Parent Information Centers" and to return the $152,400 (plus interest) he received from the Minnesota Department of Education to set up two Parent Information Centers. - see "Open Letter to the CEO and Board of Directors of the NAACP"


Administrator Carl Breeding was in a position to help Duane Reed and his slate get a majority of votes for branch president, first vice president, secretary, and assistant secretary. It was just a matter of delivering the votes of NAACP members who were part of or supported the outgoing leadership. Reed and his slate didn't have right to inspect the books and records of the branch and Parent Information Centers prior to taking office in 2005. And according to my sources, the new officers of the branch didn't have access to PIC records until after the first executive and branch meetings in late January.

However, a curious thing happened at the first executive committee meeting of 2005.  Duane Reed recommended the appointment of Booker Hodges as second vice president, and seven others. As I have just been informed, Reed and Hodges have helped each other out with campaigns for public office, and Hodges is kin to suspended NAACP member Al Flowers, who is related to 3 principle officers of the branch (as son, husband, and uncle). Al Flowers is also the employer of some of his extended family members who serve on the Minneapolis NAACP branch executive committee. Other appointments include Melvin Williams, whose name appears on the $400,000 grant contract (PIC and state of MN) for 2005, and Karen Blanchard, who played the role of recording secretary at the bogus NAACP membership meeting 11 December 2004.

Doug Mann, Zach Metoyer, and Carol White were also nominated and elected to the executive committee at the first executive committee meeting of 2005, without any opposition.

Also at the January 2005 branch executive committee meeting, Duane Reed and Jesse Overton were authorized to negotiate the close out of the Parent Information Centers with the state, and promised to review the books and records of the branch and PIC, then report their findings to the executive committee and branch before finalizing an agreement with the state and returning over $50,000 in unspent funds from the PIC account.

On February 8, 2005 there was an improperly called meeting of the executive committee to hear a report from the branch's consultant from the Management Assistance Program, according to several sources who place each other at the meeting. The meeting was improper because no written notice was sent to executive committee members. And there was not a report about that meeting or the findings of the MAP consultant at the executive committee meeting on Feb. 11 and the branch membership meeting on February 12. - See "Minneapolis NAACP Parent Information Centers hit the fan" by Doug Mann, 15 Feb 2005 -

-Doug Mann, King Field
member-at-large, Minneapolis NAACP branch executive committee