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Email to Brett Buckner, Mpls NAACP branch president
Mr. Buckner,

A private Email from Geesha Gaskins threatening me with disciplinary action (article 10) for allegedly disseminating unspecified misinformation.  That's your response to my concerns regarding Hollman?

There is a process we have followed in the past (but not the recent past) with respect to amendments to the Hollman Decree (as we did around the issue of whether to oppose the City's plan to demolish the Glenwood housing project in 1999).  Judge Rosenbaum has described, in writing, what is required of the NAACP in terms of a process based on his reading of the NAACP constitution and bylaws. It's in the Hollman file.  

Hollman may have been the one issue around which Gallmon [just resigned as branch president] really wanted to unite the branch, get the executive committee and a majority of the folks who regularly attend branch meetings on the same page.

I am quite certain that Rev. Albert Gallmon understood that the branch has an affirmative duty to monitor the City's implementation of the Hollman Consent Decree.  Thomas White wrote "I need action on these issues as soon as possible," that is, support for the City's proposed amendments to the Consent Decree and a lawsuit against HUD.  I am sure that Gallmon understood that it would be necessary for THE BRANCH to give consideration to White's recommendations. I think he understood that he lacked the authority needed to make the call on his own and that the executive committee needed the endorsement of THE BRANCH for any decision it makes in this matter. That's why Gallmon appointed Alesha Clemons Housing Committee chair. Clemons' known association with individuals who the branch exec has kept off of committees and / or has tried to suspend or expel from the NAACP (Edwards, Eubanks, Flowers, et. al.) was unquestionably a plus rather than a minus in this situation.

The executive committee's decision to dump Clemons put Gallmon in an impossible situation. If I were in Albert Gallmon's shoes I would have threatened to resign rather than go along for the executive committee's decision to dump Clemons. Did the executive committee have a good reason? Did the executive committee respect Clemons' right to a fair process (due process)? No. I don't think so.

Have a nice day in court.

-Doug Mann